Member dot311(SM) family of websites. Not government affiliated

Chelsea Seniors Resources

Seniors Community Resources  

A Guide to Death and Dying in Chelsea

Farewell Notices 

Caring Community, First Presbyterian Church:

Chelsea Mobility and Medical Equipment: 327 8th Avenue at 26th street (212) 255-5522

Elliott-Chelsea NORC  Services for Elliott-Chelsea Houses residents age 60+
441 West 26th Street
NY, NY 10001

Hudson Guild Senior Center  Senior activities + Lunch Mondays -Fridays for Seniors 55+
119 9th Ave
NY, NY 10001
212 924 6710

Institute for Senior Action l

290 9th Avenue
New York, NY 10001

305 Seventh Avenue, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10001

City, State and Federal Resources

NY City Department of Aging

NY State Senior Resources

US Government Senior Resources

Long Term Care Ombudsman Program

Caring  for a person in the late stages of life

Lifeline Medical Alert:     " Lifeline with AutoAlert can call for help even if you can't".

One of my neighbors had a great deal of trouble walking, normally she talked to her daughter just  once a day, A day came when her daughter did not hear from her, The daughter  came to her apartment and found mom unconscious on the floor.  Her mom then spent the next several months trying to recover from this, she never did and passed on.  Several other of my neighbors were found dead in their apartments by the police days after they passed away.  Would having a life alert pendant have saved any of these people, I don't know.  I do know that I've gotten one for my mother.  There are other brands, some of which try to lock you in to long term contracts, I would stay away from these. Penn South PSHOPS offers a discounted one to its members, contact PS HOPS for details at U.S. Nursing Home Information Registry ...
"The comprehensive source for unbiased nursing home ratings and national nursing home watch list for use by health care professionals and family members."

My mom was recently in a  nursing home for rehabilitation, it was a horror story, Probably the worst thing that happened was at one point they gave her somebody else's medication. At the time we chose a nursing home for my mother we had no idea how bad some of them could be. Using, it is possible to at least to disgard the worst offenders from consideration. 
This is a simply amazing book. It is wise and very inspiring. The main message I took away was that you don't have to be a licensed CMT to give healing through the touch: just connect with the person to whom you are giving touch, and keep your heart open. It addresses the ever increasing elderly population's needs for touch, and offers real solutions for healing and service.-Anne Elise Hagen-Pendleton

Employment Opportunities for Severely Disabled Seniors: My aunt was essentially paralized and blind.  I told relatives that I had located a meaningful employment opportunity for her and they thought I was mad. Then I told them the story that follows ... I Can't Do A Thing
